Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Activity 5

Gudevening ms...", I choose ASSURE(Analyze Learners, State Objectives, Select Media and Materials, Utilize, Require Learners Participatio, Evaluate and Revise) as my instructional model soon and hopefully in my teaching career..charut! Because for me, as a teacher I must know first the nature of my learners and their capacity to learn. It's the work of the teacher to create and to arouse the interest of the learner and in able for the students to be motivated and be guided throughout the lesson. The objectives of a particular lesson/topic is important so that teacher may know his/her target and for his/her to be guided also on what to teach. Materials and the use of media are important because they serve as instructional materials use and intended for the students. These materials must be suited in a particular lesson and these must be properly use. The teacher must be aware and be sensitive while having class discussion so that he/she would know if the students are still attach in the lesson and if they really participate actively. Because if not, again create their interest. After the discussion, it is very important to have evaluation. In evaluating the students, the teacher would know if the students really learn from the discussion. Activity is also part of evaluation and it must be fun yet made the students learn. Then, if the lesson means not really like by the students then revision takes place..That's all!.

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