Wednesday, December 5, 2007


"A Teacher Affects Eternity," therefore he must find and choose an instructional model that will be effective for the educative process. Whatever we, as future educators, will teach our future students will reflect our personality as teachers. I believe that ASSURE is better thatn ADDIE for reasons that it:
  • analyzes the learners for identifying strengths and weaknesses,
  • allows the statement of the objectives to abet the students in making it their own,
  • permits the selection of media & materials to suit the learning capacity of the students,
  • utilizes whatever information you can make use of to enable effective teaching and learning,
  • requires learners participation, which is "learning by doing- John Dewey", for collaborative learning to take place and
  • can be evaluated for the assessment of method effecticity and as a result of evaluation, you can revise it for future use and improvement of teaching learning competence.

These are the very reasons why I chose ASSURE because it facilitates effective teaching and affective student learning. And I believe that this instructional model will help me in my future profession as a teacher. With this, I can teach effectively and my students will learn affectively.

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