Monday, December 31, 2007
Activity 6
Sunday, December 30, 2007

What you can see is my Christmas card for my sister amd my brother.. I think, only me and my siblings understood why I wrote my message for them that way.heheheh...
ADOBE photoshop is so exciting because you will be able to play with your pictures or images on it.. You can have fun editing some pictures and do it the best way you want..
However, abobe photoshop, or the way you edit the pictures is not that easy most especially if you are a beginner. Honestly speaking, I and my classmates had a hard time doing the task that Ms. K told us to do.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
During our christmas celebration is very happy because we are all together my family and my other relatives is all together.In the that time give the card I'm very shy because this card is my classmate help me to make this card so I'm not contented that is not my work that I give to my parent. I'm only to make the card then I give to my parent but because of that I did not master to make this card. That why I call to my classmate to make this ADOBE. But my parent are very Happy because of the card in whole life only this christmas have a beautiful card even is simple in last year a simple card that I give them so that time that I give them they give me smile. I'm very happy because my Parent is very happy even in that time we don't money have but they celebrated happly.Not only my parent also my two sister.........
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
activity 6
As my parents receive the card that I've made, I could see the happiness on their faces and I also fell the joy and gladness.
Although the card is simple yet it is meaningful and it comes from the heart, uncomplicated yet genuinely fitted. We gather together and indeed absolute completeness, delight and enlightenment sprinkle here and there as we celebrate Christmas.
I've realized the thought that I need to improve what I have done, I ought to make another card which is the best of all the best , more effort, courage , creativity and especially focus of mind.
Truly Christmas is so meaningful when all members of the family gather together as one, sharing thoughts, happiness and of course love. Although it is only a small party not that much expensive but we are all united by faith and love.
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
activity 6
activity 6


Activity 6
activity 6
Activity 6

prepared, and I'm not that expert in doing such activity. The time given was not enough since we were very busy preparing for
the upcoming Christmas party. I know that this reason is not reasonable, since as a teacher, we should be prepared in every
ticking of the clock. Money wise, it was indeed very expensive since we still have to print 2 pages of it. Despite the
problems I have encountered, I still managed to enjoy Adobe. I have learned new techniques in making such as cloning, etc. I
may not have put those techniques on my work, but surely I'll try those on the next activity I will be making. My work may
not be worth remembering but I believe in the saying that "Simplicity means Beauty" therefore, my work is still beautiful. ..
Merry Christmas! ;)
activity 6

Activity 6

activity 6

activity 6
activity 6


activity 6
Activity 6

activity 6


Activity 6

activity 6

activity 6

activity 6

activity 6

activity 6
activity 6
activity 6
activity 6
Activity 6
activity 6
activity 6
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
activity 6
activity 6
Monday, December 17, 2007
Effective Teaching Strategies
"The Role Playing Process:
1.) Make sure the students define a situation that is relevant and important to them--for example, a situation in which they may be offered a drug. Get details such as the setting and number and types of people involved.
2.) Set the stage by arranging furniture, indicating where 'doors' might be located.
3.) Prepare the audience by giving them specific questions to be prepared to answer at the conclusion of the role play. Examples:
(a) Would this work in real life?
(b) How would you have handled the situation?
4.) There are numerous ways to select participants. Discuss ideas.
5.) Begin the role play, stopping it if it is unrealistic, going nowhere, or has accomplished its purpose.
6.) Ask questions of the participants and audience.
7.) Reenact the role play, if necessary, using a variation of the situation, new participants, feedback provided to improve a skill. . .
Suggested situations: refusing a drug offer, encouraging a friend to stop smoking, talking to a teacher about an assignment, requesting help from a parent, stopping a drunk friend from driving."
"Socratic Instruction:
Note that one of the most effective strategies for teaching about alcohol and other drugs is Socratic instruction (questioning). Socratic questioning fosters critical thinking, evaluation, and knowledge application in students and should be used as frequently as possible in assignments and class discussions.
1.) Allow 'wait time' for thinking. Give students time to consider the question and their response before requesting them to answer.
2.) Avoid yes-no questions. They lead nowhere and do not promote thinking nor discussion.
3.) Be sure students have the needed background and resources to respond to the questions posed. It is unfair and detrimental to their progress to not accept their levels of knowledge and experience.
4.) Open-ended and closed questions are useful. Open-ended questions promote critical thinking, while closed questions can focus attention.
5.) Include clarifying questions, demands and statements. They are as valid as questions are. Students may need guidance as they sift through possible answers.
6.) Use questions from all levels of thinking. Help students to develop higher levels of critical thinking as well as the typical knowledge and comprehension levels."
"Small Group and Cooperative Learning:
1.) Establish heterogeneous groups.
2.) Establish group size.
3.) Designate group work areas.
4.) Designate specific responsibilities to group members.
5.) Provide clear directions, time constraints, rules, procedures.
6.) Provide necessary materials.
7.) Establish leader selection process.
8.) Minimize exchanges of information between groups.
9.) Watch for conflict.
10.) Encourage and praise group support."
Friday, December 14, 2007
Activity 5
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Activity 5
Monday, December 10, 2007
Activity 5
Activity 5
As a teacher I would prefer ASSURE way of teaching because its implementation or its state is more knowledgeable. This type of teaching helps the learner to learn more in teaching this kind of method that the teachers has. The way of learning is more compatible for the learners to learn. Teachers analyze what would be best for the learners to learn. He/she uses materials or media that is best for the learnings, he/she utilizes learners to learn,Requires the learners participation in his discussion, and after hid discussion or his/her proper lesson he/she evaluates the learners of what he/she discussed. H/she needs also the response of the learners if the learners learned from his teaching or the way he/she teaches.
Sunday, December 9, 2007
activity 5
Friday, December 7, 2007
I choose assure because it has the quality to support all kinds of instructional model and it can be useable to everyone.It develops your skills to analyze something that is prior to your capabilities and it has the complete informattion that you've been searching. Assure develops our skills in terms of designs in powerpoint/adobe, also it partakes a lot in our capabilities to learn more about assure and it has the wide variety of selections.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Activity 5
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
"A Teacher Affects Eternity," therefore he must find and choose an instructional model that will be effective for the educative process. Whatever we, as future educators, will teach our future students will reflect our personality as teachers. I believe that ASSURE is better thatn ADDIE for reasons that it:
- analyzes the learners for identifying strengths and weaknesses,
- allows the statement of the objectives to abet the students in making it their own,
- permits the selection of media & materials to suit the learning capacity of the students,
- utilizes whatever information you can make use of to enable effective teaching and learning,
- requires learners participation, which is "learning by doing- John Dewey", for collaborative learning to take place and
- can be evaluated for the assessment of method effecticity and as a result of evaluation, you can revise it for future use and improvement of teaching learning competence.
These are the very reasons why I chose ASSURE because it facilitates effective teaching and affective student learning. And I believe that this instructional model will help me in my future profession as a teacher. With this, I can teach effectively and my students will learn affectively.
P.S. - this is the final answer......
Activity 5
I choose ASSURE because these instuctional model is more effective for a teacher's guide. The steps of ASSURE are more yet better than the ADDIE because in ASSURE it is step by step process. Just like analyze then it follows by state, it's important to state first after the analyzing compared to ADDIE.
Activity 5
- analyzes the learners for identifying strengths and weaknesses,
- allows the statement of the objectives to abet the students in making it their own,
- permits the selection of media & materials to suit the learning capacity of the students,
- utilizes whatever information you can make use of to enable effective teaching and learning,
- requires learners participation, which is "learning by doing- John Dewey", for collaborative learning to take place and
- can be evaluated for the assessment of method effecticity and as a result of evaluation, you can revise it for future use and improvement of teaching learning competence.
These are the very reasons why I chose ASSURE because it facilitates effective teaching and affective student learning. And I believe that this instructional model will help me in my future profession as a teacher. With this, I can teach effectively and my students will learn affectively.
Activity 5
activity 5
activity 5
activity 5
Activity 5
activity 5
activity 5
activity 5
I prefer ASSURE, because it is an effective Instructional Model. This model shows a step by step process in effective teaching. The first thing is to analyze the learners. Which enable the teacher what kind of learners he/she will be dealing with. Followed by the statement of the objectives then a selection of materials selected and the Evaluation and revision. By these, Processes of the students will be able to capture what the teacher is discussing, because they are required to participate actively during the Instruction. And through this Instructional model the teachers can motivate well to their learners.
Activity 5
activity 5
assureI choose assure because it is understandable and more spicific than addie. assure means (analyze learners,state objectives,select media and materials,utilize,require leaners participation,evaluate and revise.) this instructional model help you how to make your instructional more meaningfull to your student, because you would really know if your student learn from you co'z it is available of revision.and it require your students to participate during class discussion and before the discussion happen you have to follow an objectives that would make the discussion continously.